Saturday 13 November 2010

Final meeting 3/11/2010

Timothy rawlings from BANES sat down with the group to look at our final peices, and then took them with him to show his boss to get overall feedback on our outcomes and the processes to get there.

From: Timothy Rawlings
To: Charlie Williams

Charlie joined the working group late and as a consequence had less time to get an idea on the table to discuss with me. Her idea was relevant to the Council's current Food Waste recycling campaign and she presented two posters of the same concept, one with maggots and one with rats.

Her idea was to highlight a common problem associated with Food Waste, that being human food waste ending up as food for rodents and pests. While the idea is relevant, I was not sure if the messgae was clear. Given that we need to promote a recycling collection, highlighting a negative aspect may not be the best way to pursuade people. The message hinted that "if you use the collections you are not feeding the rodents" which is more positive (the trouble is the Council is not keen to point out that there would be any pests or maggots in our neighbourhood!). With more time and guidance from the client Charlie could have made the message clearer.

The design of the poster was good and the use of the cooperate style was spot on. The Colours of the poster tied into the current promotional material being issued and the pictures were interesting. Charlie took suggestions about the cooperate style and applied them well into her final design. she was also good at communicating her ideas initially and catching up with the progress of the other two in our working group.

1 comment:

  1. You obviously had a good working relationship with the client. Improved organisation towards the beginning of the project would have lead to more appropriate imagery.
