Wednesday 29 September 2010

Second meeting with Banes 29/9/10

We met a representative from BANES for an update on our ideas.

The first design

I presented my idea to Tim, explaining my idea of scare tactics to make people want to use the food bins. He liked the idea but explained that people may find this inappropriate and will not reads the rest of the poster if they are too affected by the image. he did advise that i add a second tag line that links to the 'One mans trash' that would balance out its negativity. He also explained the colours and the fonts we should use. BANES advertising always use Ariel font as it is easy to read. They do not have a set colour scheme but they do use a boarder on all of their posters that i will include. He also explained that they always include the phrase "making bath and north east somerset an even better place to live" using the same type font and making the 'even' bold.

Example of a BANES leaflet.

Friday 17 September 2010


This shows the conversations between my group and our partner. This shows the communication with our partner before and during my inclusion in the group. I think it shows that we have strong communication skills and that we kept in contact with our client throughout.

E-Mails Between My Group and Partner

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you to arrange a date to meet our group to discuss ideas. We would like to request a time somewhere on Wednesday (the 23rd of June) afternoon. Could you please reply to this eMail to confirm that you are available on this day, and to finalise a time and place.

Yours Sincerely,

Harriet and Oliver


Hi Harriet and Oliver,

Thanks for getting in touch, I am free on Wednesday afternoon so I can come to the College to meet you, is 2 o'clock ok? Please let me know if this is ok and where it is we should meet.

Thanks and regards



Hi Tim, that's fine. We will meet you at the reception of college at 2pm.
Thanks, yours sincerely,
Oliver and Harriet


That’s great, please let me know if you need me to bring anything.



Hi Ollie and Harriet,

Hows it all going? I have not heard back yet about any feedback forms that I need to complete. Hows is the progress going on the projects? Please let me know if there is anything I need to be doing or anything you need.

Thanks and regards




Our projects are all going fine, we're working at different levels and if we need anything we'll let you know.

We should probably schedule another meeting soon, so you can have some form of input.

Just so you know, another class member will be joining the BANES group if that's alright with you. She will do the work she needs to to catch up, and she already knows the brief. Her name is Charlotte and I have given her your e-mail address so she can catch up.


Harriet, Ollie and Charlotte.


Hi Tim,

We are going back to college on September 9th and have been working on our projects over the summer.

Would you please meet with us to discuss our next few steps, and to see how we could improve our work.

Yours sincerely,

Ollie, Charlotte and Harriet.


Hi Harriet.

Sorry I have been away for the last few weeks, I will happily meet with you, please let me know when is best for you.




Hi, could you do Wednesday 29th please?


Harriet, Ollie and Charlie


Hi Harri,

Yep the 29th should be fine, what time is best for you? I'm over at Bath Spa Uni all day so I can come at any time. Did Charlie Williams join your group?




We're at college 9am till 3.30pm so whenever really.

Yes she did, and she said please can you bring the food waste bins that you brought to our induction at the college?


Harriet, Oliver and Charlotte



Could we say 11:30? Gives me time to get on with a few things first thing.




Yeah that’s fine. I will let you know where we are meeting as soon as I have sorted out a room.

See you then,

Harriet, Ollie, Charlie


Thursday 16 September 2010


This is a brief plan of all the things i have to do to complete this project

Creating a table displaying what i have to do allows me to keep track of everything i have done.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Initial ideas

After looking at previous BANES and food recycling posters, i sketched a few initial ideas. This idea is similar to the love food hate waste posters, as it contains one simple statement. also the angles of the images are the same. The text 'Food can be recycled too' is strong as there is alliteration of the 'oo' in food and too. it is also very basic and straight to the point. The idea of the bin on the right of the image allows me to describe the sorts of foods that can be recycled, as these are written on the side of the bin. This means the image is not full of text.
This second idea is more complicated and contains a lot more information. However i like the playfulness of it. The idea of making the process look like a maths sum is ironic against the text 'its not rocket science'. from far away this poster would look really complicated but i feel if i develop it more, it would be easy to read.
After having a meeting with my teacher I decided to change the outcome of my poster. I wanted to create something different to the usual posters created by BANES. Looking at other of their poster designs I have noticed they have a small amount of characters that look continuously happy whilst recycling. They also use the same illustrations in their posters and leaflets instead of using photographs. I had the idea of using scare tactics to put a new spin on their regular poster. Using photographs to display the truth about what will happen if their food is not recycled. I came up with 2 ideas that continued the same idea but with different situations.
Using images of rats and maggots puts recycling food into a new perspective will hopefully draw in the audiences attention as it isn't similar to what they have seen before. Scare tactics have been used in the past on other posters and adverts such as Think! who showed a controversial advert on TV to scare the viewer into wearing a seat belt. This personally sticks in my head and ensures I follow its instructions. Hopefully my idea will inform the viewers of the problems they could face if they do not use the new food bins.

Other food recycling adverts

I like this poster as it has given the recycling bin a personality. This works well as using personification allows the reader to relate to the message. it also gives the poster a humoristic approach.This poster is advertising the recycling food bins in another area. Its a really simple image of a potato peel on a counter. I like the idea of having one simple and inadequate object as the main focus. however I dislike the background as it limits the choice of colours that could be used. I need to think about what kind of background I want for my poster.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Love food, Haste waste.

BANES are working with the 'Love food, hate waste' campaign to reduce the amount of food that we thrown away in the UK. Their advertising posters display a simple image and a short fact, which i feel has more impact than a complicated poster with lots of information on it. This poster again, dispalys a simple image and statement, which tie in with the background. However underneith there is a peice of writing in the style of a quote, giving a tip of how to save waste. This, again, ties in with my idea of informing a process or an idea.

BANES idea research

I decided i wanted to create a poster on the food recycling bins that BANES had showed us at our meeting. I began research by looking on their website for information about these bins. I found a video on the first page which explains how to use the food waste bins

I immediately liked the idea of describing how something worked, and thought about how i could demonstrate this in my poster.
I also tried to find some of BANES previous campaign posters:
This image shows the front cover of a map. It is very simple and quite boring. It follows the colour scheme of the logo with the blue writing and image of a bike. I would like to continue this simplicity in my poster but make it a bit more interesting to look at. I do like the image in the background of the terrain, as it gives the image texture and fits in with the theme of the map.
This image shows a poster about recycling. This idea looks very different to the other, as it is very colourful, but the design is still the same. it shows a simple image, which informs what kind of things can be recycled. This fits in with my idea of explaining a process through a poster.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Contacting BANES

Unfortunatly there was a loss of comunication between Oxfam and Daniel and I, and Neil Young pulled out of the project. Problems with communication are a fundimental problem within a business or between a business and its partners which could have been prevented with regular contact with the partner and organisation. Luckly, because this problem arose early on in the project, I was able to quickly switch to a partner that was currently working with other students in the class. I decided to email the leader of the project run by BANES and explain what had happened and ask if he was willing to allow me to join in with the recycling project and he agreed.

From: charlie williams
To: Timothy Rawlings

Hi, Im a student at the city of bath college working on the sustainability project. My project got canceled so my group had to seperate and join the others. I would like to join the BANES group with Harriet Page and Ollie Drew if this is possible?
And if so, what kind of things would you like me to design? I will get a breif off of the other members and catch up with the work they have done to show you in september.
Thanks. Charlie Williams.

From: Timothy Rawlings
To: Charlie williams

Hi Charlie,
Thank you for getting in touch. Your more than welcome to join our group, I'm not sure how much help I will be with giving you any ideas for a design. Ollie and Harriet both came to me with their own ideas. I appreciate that you have had to start again so I have listed a few suggestions below if you need them. I am not sure on the details of your brief so I cannot tell if my ideas would be relevant!
-A leaflet highlighting the recycling services, aimed at students
-A leaflet for landlords to give to their residents about recycling,
-Design a series of recycling bins for your common room
-You could design a recycling character that could be a campaign mascot for BANES! (that could be fun, but Family Guy has already designed one! (Gary the no trash cougar!))
It really depends on what you want out of the project. Ollie is doing a real life animation, Harriet is doing a poster/flyer and Ashley was doing a sculpture. Depends on what your interested in, you could do a website design for instance if that’s what your focusing on for your studies.
If you need help with any of your suggestions please do not hesitate to get in touch, I'm not sure when we are next planning on meeting up. If you have a chat with the others and let me know when I'm needed.

All the best