Friday 17 September 2010


This shows the conversations between my group and our partner. This shows the communication with our partner before and during my inclusion in the group. I think it shows that we have strong communication skills and that we kept in contact with our client throughout.

E-Mails Between My Group and Partner

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you to arrange a date to meet our group to discuss ideas. We would like to request a time somewhere on Wednesday (the 23rd of June) afternoon. Could you please reply to this eMail to confirm that you are available on this day, and to finalise a time and place.

Yours Sincerely,

Harriet and Oliver


Hi Harriet and Oliver,

Thanks for getting in touch, I am free on Wednesday afternoon so I can come to the College to meet you, is 2 o'clock ok? Please let me know if this is ok and where it is we should meet.

Thanks and regards



Hi Tim, that's fine. We will meet you at the reception of college at 2pm.
Thanks, yours sincerely,
Oliver and Harriet


That’s great, please let me know if you need me to bring anything.



Hi Ollie and Harriet,

Hows it all going? I have not heard back yet about any feedback forms that I need to complete. Hows is the progress going on the projects? Please let me know if there is anything I need to be doing or anything you need.

Thanks and regards




Our projects are all going fine, we're working at different levels and if we need anything we'll let you know.

We should probably schedule another meeting soon, so you can have some form of input.

Just so you know, another class member will be joining the BANES group if that's alright with you. She will do the work she needs to to catch up, and she already knows the brief. Her name is Charlotte and I have given her your e-mail address so she can catch up.


Harriet, Ollie and Charlotte.


Hi Tim,

We are going back to college on September 9th and have been working on our projects over the summer.

Would you please meet with us to discuss our next few steps, and to see how we could improve our work.

Yours sincerely,

Ollie, Charlotte and Harriet.


Hi Harriet.

Sorry I have been away for the last few weeks, I will happily meet with you, please let me know when is best for you.




Hi, could you do Wednesday 29th please?


Harriet, Ollie and Charlie


Hi Harri,

Yep the 29th should be fine, what time is best for you? I'm over at Bath Spa Uni all day so I can come at any time. Did Charlie Williams join your group?




We're at college 9am till 3.30pm so whenever really.

Yes she did, and she said please can you bring the food waste bins that you brought to our induction at the college?


Harriet, Oliver and Charlotte



Could we say 11:30? Gives me time to get on with a few things first thing.




Yeah that’s fine. I will let you know where we are meeting as soon as I have sorted out a room.

See you then,

Harriet, Ollie, Charlie


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