Wednesday 13 October 2010

Interactive practitioners

Claes Odenburg

Claes Odenburg is a Swedish American sculptor born in Sweden 1929. He began using soft materials to create large scale sculptures of objects, which were sometimes interactive. He describes his work as the ‘celebration of the everyday’ and creates it to defy our perceptions of the every day life. He works alongside the Dutch-American pop artist, Coosji Van Bruggen to create his large scale sculptures. They began collaborating in 1976 and got married 1977. In the early 1970s and again in the 1990s the pair also collaborated with Frank o'Gehry. They were said to have broken the boundaries between architecture and sculpture. Initially his work received lots of criticism as people did not understand what he was trying to produce, however his quirky inanimate object sculptures won the hearts of the community as it looks at inanimate objects in a completely different light. Odenburg begins the process by creating many small sketches, that would include the background to show the scale in which he wanted to create the model. He then creates some small scale models using cheap materials such as cardboard and wire. He uses many different materials when creating his large scale models, such as his 'apple core' piece, situated in Jerusalem, that contains steel, foam, resin and enamel and stands at 7ft tall. He uses soft materials to create objects that should be hard, and large objects when they should be small, forcing the viewer to reassess their perception of the objects.

'Claus Odenburg : An Anthology' - Hayward Gallery

1 comment:

  1. All examples selected with direct relevance to your own ideas and subject matter in relation to your poster design, each one explains why it was selected. You used a range of [referenced] sources from the internet, selected and collated the information systematically. Visual analysis and explanations are evident across all the examples, although the Sustrans poster and works by Noble and Webster are the most detailed; you have clearly developed your vocabulary when analysing visual works. You have included some ideas behind the works as well as personal responses. The presentation is well considered and thoughtfully laid out - good to be able to enlarge the illustrations. Oldenberg’s ‘Apple Core’ and the Lady Gaga dress could be more descriptive, also the Oldenberg work appears unfinished, so you might want to revisit that and explain more fully what his working methods are. And finally, you should explain the similarities and differences between the works.
