Wednesday 13 October 2010

Interactive practitioners


Sustrans are a charity that aim to provide alternative ways to travel other than a car. They work with many other companies, local authorities and the community to try and improve the health of people and the environment.
This particular poster displays the fact that leaves on the line would affect people who ride on trains but not people who cycle. The photograph uses the perspective of someone looking down onto a cycle track. The white diagonal line that cuts the image across one corner links with the phrase 'leaves on the line?' that works well. There is a limited palette of colour on the image, as the pavement and paint is monochrome and the only colour is the leaves. This works well as the leaves are the main subject of the poster so they stand out. Like my rat idea, the image is set at a perspective of someone on the pavement, but all the text added digitally is at a straight on perspective. I think that this allows the reader to decipher between the image and the information, which could be difficult when using an image with text. This is similar to my work as it uses a simple image and a tag line which leaves a powerful image in the viewers head. This theme is carried out in many of their other posters, such as an image of a bike seat with 'a guaranteed seat every day' printed above it. Although the font is small it carries a strong message about what the charity are trying to provide. The use of short, snappy and well known tag lines is what i am aiming to achieve in my work.


1 comment:

  1. This is a good analysis, you have clearly gained inspiration for your own work from it.
