Friday 1 October 2010

obstructing factors

Although i want to apply scare tactics to my poster by using graphic images of maggots and rats, there is a possibility that people will be too affected by the images to read what the poster is about. This affects my process as it makes me have to change my idea. Ive decided that the images are going to be drawn which would decrease the amount of people that are unable to look at it due to fear. I will be finding pictures of my subjects (rats and maggots) by taking photos of maggots in a fishing shop and using the image to draw them. I will take a picture of someones pet rats for inspiration for my own drawing. This is a strong idea as the final result can look exactly as i want it to.

1 comment:

  1. I think more research into what makes a successful campaign may have put you off the maggot and rat idea. Visually, it works well though.
