Thursday 14 October 2010

Maggot Drawing

I needed to draw a large amount of maggots for my piece. I decided to fill a 5cm X 5cm area with maggots to provide some variety to my image. I then scanned the image into Photoshop and used the copy, paste and free transform tools to tile my maggots without creating a visible pattern.

I then used various filters to define my image to avoid it looking too much like a drawing. I used the contrast tool to darken the lines of my image to remove any pencil marks. I used the plastic wrap filter to try and provide some 3D texture to my Maggots to make them look more realistic whilst still in keeping with the illustrated theme.

I used a paintbrush set to a high opacity to colour my maggots. I had to research images of maggots on the internet to try and find the common colour. I then used the colour sampler tool to extract a colour to use. I washed the colour over a separate layer and placed it behind the maggot image as to not lose the dark lines of the image, which i would have done if i had placed the colour on top of the same image.

1 comment:

  1. This is a nice drawing but how appropriate is it in sending out a positive message for BANES?
