Sunday 22 August 2010

First meeting with Oxfam

Before my first meeting with Oxfam I created a few sketches with my initial ideas. these consisted of some outfits that followed a certain theme
Union jack
I decided I wanted to make an outfit that could be sold separately or together. I felt this would be a strong business plan as all the items would be priced individually, but the outfit would be put together which would make the customer want to purchase the whole or part of the outfit.
At my first meeting with Neil Jones, Me and Daniel began by asking Neil questions, including what kind of gametes or accessories he was looking for, and what sort of items sell the most.
We then shared our ideas. I explained that I wanted to make an outfit and Neil agreed that it was a strong idea, and asked me to begin designing the outfit. He also wanted us to begin working with material so he allowed us to sort through the clothing that was unable to sell in the shop in its current state. This included clothing that was not fit to sell on the shop floor, or clothing with marks or imperfections which made it unable to sell. Seeing the large mix of different materials gave me a better idea of what I wanted to create.

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