Monday 23 August 2010

Client proposal form

What does the client require your product to do? Who is the target audience for the product?
Oxfam boutique require me to create a series of garments and accessories, using materials that have been donated. I need to re-use and renovate the old clothes and accessories that have been donated to the shop, this makes the process sustainable. The target audience I am trying to appeal to are the customers that shop in the boutique. Unlike regular Oxfam charity shops, the boutique sells only high end garments for high prices. This means the products I create must be high quality to fit in with the other items in store.

Outline the final idea for your project
I wanted to create an outfit that fit a particular theme. This would include a main piece of clothing and 2 accessories. The theme I wanted to convey was Africa. Tribal prints are in fashion at this time and I feel it would fit in well with what the charity is trying to help.

How will you ensure that your product is suitable for it’s purpose?

There are many variables I have to consider when creating my main piece of clothing. To appeal to as many people as possible I have to take into account the size that I create the garment. I feel that using the tribal theme would allow me to account for all sizes and I could make one piece of clothing that could fit a range of sizes.

What will you need to create your product?
Donated materials that fit in with the tribal theme
Sewing machines
Possible Measurements

What could go wrong when you are producing your work? What steps will you take to try and avoid these?
The quality of the product is important so I must ensure that I am carefull when cutting and stitching the fabrics to maintain the standard of quality needed
The product may not be what the boutique or the customers are looking for so I must carry out research about the kind of products people want

What health and safety issues will be relevant during the project? How will you address these?
The equipment I will be using to create the product, such as scissors, sewing machines, needles and pins are all health and safety risks, so I must ensure I handle all the equipment with care

1 comment:

  1. This is no longer relevant as you changed groups. Where is the proposal form for BANES?
