Saturday 21 August 2010

Meeting with Bath College

Lynne Scragg, a representative from Bath College met us to explain the issue of recycling in the college. They have a brief plan of what they want to do to promote recycling, but explains that they do not do enough at present. One of the current ide4as that have not yet been put into practice are material specific bins depending on the department, such as paper bisn in the art department, plastic bins in the printing room and polosyrine and food bins in the resteraunt and staff rooms. Lynne and our class came up with the idea to include a recycling poster in the next years student book to promote recycling and the ways to recycle. Thsi could include a poster or a leafelt handed to new students, or an advertisment put on the Bath college and moodle websites. A banner could also be included on the desktop backround of all the computers and Macs.

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