Saturday 21 August 2010

Meeting with Oxfam

We walked to the Oxfam boutique as a group, rather than the manager coming to us, which allowed us to see the sort of enviroment that we would be working if we chose this project. we were taken down into the office below, which was filled with clothes that would be sold in the shop. Neil Young, the manager of the Oxfam Boutique began by explaining his role in the business, and about how the shop works. It was interesting to see that recycling was already a part of the business, as good condition clothes that people donated would be re-sold, and anything unworthy of being in the shop would be sent off to another charity shop to be re-sold. If it was too damaged or marked it would then be sent to a clothing bank, which shows that 100% of the clothes have been recycled in some way as they got passed down the chain.
Neilt hen explained our breif, which would be to create a new garment out of clothing that wasnt appropriate to be sold ont he shop floor, before it got sent off to the next link in the chain. This would be done by using the material of lots of clothing and peicing it together into a high-end unique fashion item.

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