Saturday 21 August 2010

Meeting with Scrapstore

I was unable to attend the meeting with the Scrapstore.
This is a list of ideas that our tutor and our group came up with:

* Advert about reuse and recycling and Scrapstore
* Chain reaction advert about reuse and recycling and Scrapstore
* Domino effect film using scrap materials
* Theatre, play about the journey of some scrap materials into play creations
* Clothes bins in colleges for dressing up clothes
* Leaflet for businesses about reuse and recycling and Scrapstore
* Posters for businesses about reuse and recycling and Scrapstore
* Social networking – make a page and advert for businesses
* T shirts – to advertise and raise profile and issues
* Schools – show them using the scrap materials
* Big 3D project in town centers with sculptures and collages made of scrap materials
* Model made of scrap materials
* An interactive sculpture providing a message
* Visit PlayPod for project background, stories, pictures etc.
* Flash make Art
* Dance project to market reuse and Scrapstore
* Lo Fi film using scrap materials
* Series of images for the Scrapstore website
* Facebook page for Scrapstore, scrap materials, re-use
* Live Twitter service

If i were to work with scrapstore I think i would create an advert including a chani reaction as i feel this is a strong idea and i am interested in film. I would also be interested in creating an ad to advertise the scrapstore. I think a live twitter service would be impractical as it would need to be an ongoing service, However recreating the website would be a strong idea as it would be done from a younger persons perspective and could draw in a new audience.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very positive meeting that threw up many good ideas. It was a shame you could not make it.
